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Family Promise

  • Open Door Fellowship Church 8301 North 19th Avenue Phoenix, AZ, 85021 United States (map)

For the week of June 6th-13th, we ave been given the amazing privilage of helping a ministry called Family Promise. Family Promise provides families with children who are experiencing homelessness with the tools and training to care for their kids, find employment and housing, and get back on their feet. ODF has joined many other churches around the valley to provide these families with an evening meal and a place to sleep for a week at a time.

Optimally, we need 50-80 people or a number of home groups, Sunday School classes, or groups of 2-3 families each night, to make the program work. From washing laundry to prepping meals, from setting up campus to attending our guests, there are volunteer opportunities for everyone.

Anyone interested in helping must attend a one hour class designed to prepare you for our Family promise guests. These training dates are:

  • May 2nd, 1-2pm, in H1

  • May 16th, 1-2pm, in H1

  • May 20th, 7-8pm, in H1

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mark and Kathi Carver.

To sign up, click the button below!

June 6

Jr High Summer Camp

June 8

Two or More Prayer Meeting