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ODF Kids Camp is for all incoming 4th-6th graders up at Mountain Meadows Ranch, June 6-11, 2021. Our theme this year is CREATED - celebrating our Creator and how we are made in His image. Come join us for an amazing week together! Registration is open from April 18th - May 16th, 2021.
Here are the price details:
Camper Rate (single camper; or first of several children): $285
Sibling Discount: $25 off every sibling (one child full price)
NEW to ODF Camper Rate (bring a friend!): $150
Don't let the cost keep you away!
Scholarships are available.
If you have questions about scholarships, discounts, or any kind of Kids Camp questions, please contact Destiny Strate (Camp Director) or Lisa Poppen (Children's Pastor).