Imagine a perfect morning breakfast: Sipping on a strong cup'o'joe, the music of sizzling bacon looms in the background, your mouth waters at the delectable aromas. Finally, like a grand performance, bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy dance their way to your plate. you cannot resist; you immediately devour the savory delights! But something is missing.
That's right, Cornhole. And Open Door has just that. Coming up June 19th, from 7-11am, Men's Ministry is hosting their 9th annual Cornhole Tournament and Breakfast. Come for fulfilling food, fantastic fellowship, and fun festivities!
Once you're fueled for battle by bacon and eggs, the games begin. Jerry and Mark, our long time champions, challenge you to win the 2021 title. #beatjerry
Registration will be under our events page by May 16th.
Questions? Please contact Jeremy Kalakosky.