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Middle School Winter Camp

  • Open Door Fellowship Church 8301 North 19th Avenue Phoenix, AZ, 85021 United States (map)

Middle School is going to Winter Camp!  For Winter Camp, our Middle School Ministry will attend Cornerstone Church's annual PHX YTH CON down in Chandler, Arizona.  This weekend conference will be full of fun,
Bible lessons, and small groups. You can see more information about speakers and the schedule through this link (phxythcon). 

This year, PHX YTH CON will be journeying through the book of Joshua and exploring what's to come.  The book of Joshua captures the people of Israel going from wilderness wandering to the promised land. As we read through this book, we will help students think through "what comes next?" in relation to their own lives and our lives.

Registration is OPEN from December 10th, 2023  to January 18th, 2024.  Camp cost per student is $150 ($50 deposit due upon registration).  Register ASAP to secure your spot.

Questions? Emil our youth pastor, Johnathon Tews (JT) for more details.

January 25

Men’s Thursday Night Bible Study

January 27

Food Bank