Baby and child dedications will be on Sunday, May 14, 2023.
This is a special Mother's Day tradition we have at Open Door Fellowship Church. What a sacred privilege it is to commit the littlest ones in our body to the Lord! As we do so, we also fully commit, as a church, to stand with parents as they raise their child and to the nurturing of their child's heart to Jesus. We believe the church plays an essential role in walking with families and children in this way.
Dedications will occur at both our 9am and 10:30am services. In this sign up, please indicate which service you would prefer have your baby/child dedicated. We will do our best to honor your preference. However, we cannot guarantee your selection. In the upcoming weeks, we will notify you of which service you are are scheduled for. Just complete the brief registration form so we know how to plan. You and your child will be introduced in front of the church and then we will have a special prayer of dedication over your child.
If you have questions or would like to talk more about dedicating your child to the Lord, please don't hesitate to contact our Children's Pastor, Lisa Poppen, at