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The Living Room (October-November)

  • Open Door Fellowship Church 8301 North 19th Avenue Phoenix, AZ, 85021 United States (map)

If you were unable to sign up for the Living Room starting in August, have no fear! We heard you and are now offering ANOTHER Living Room adventure!

Join us in the Living Room for six weeks of marriage fun! Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm, starting October 4th and ending November 15th. In observation of All Saints Day, we will not be meeting November 1st.

The evening will have a format where the men and women first meet separately and then all join together. We will discuss topics and issues that serve to refine, refresh and lift up our relationships in Christ and with one another.

If you have any questions, please email Tom or Marcia Kuyper, our marriage and Family Pastors.

October 3


October 5

Women's Fall Bible Study