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Trunk or Treat

  • Open Door Fellowship Church 8301 North 19th Avenue Phoenix, AZ, 85021 United States (map)

Open Door Fellowship, you are invited to Trunk or Treat!

Join us on October 28th for a fun night of trick or treating from car trunk to trunk in the Open Door parking lot. Adults can decorate their parked cars and pass out candy as Open Door parents & kids come around to "trunk or treat." Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to attend!

As this is a family-friendly event, please Avoid all gore, horror, blood, and dark or scary themes in decorations and costumes.

If you would like to host a decorated trunk for this event, sign ups are required through the link below.

If you would like to contribute to the candy supply, donations are most welcome! Please bring individually-wrapped candies to the Open Door Office by Thursday, October 26th. Candy can be dropped off at the church office Mon-Thur or in the Kids Zone on Sundays.

October 28

Open Door Food Bank

October 29

Marriage Foundations