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Vacation Bible School

  • Open Door Fellowship Church 8301 North 19th Avenue Phoenix, AZ, 85021 United States (map)

All kids, two years old through incoming 6th grade, are invited to Come to the Table!, our Vacation Bible School 2021! VBS will be July 26-30 from 9-11:30 am on the campus of ODF. All week long, we'll dig in deep together to discover more about Jesus and His welcome to all of us. Because He welcomes us, we are free to welcome others. Wow!! Everyone is welcomed at God's table! Join us for a ton of FUN - we'll make new friends, sing our hearts out in worship, play and create together and discover the joy of Jesus' invitation to all of us!

VBS registration will be opening June 1st and closing July 11th.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact our Children’s Pastor, Lisa Poppen.

July 24

ODF Food Bank

August 3

Young Adult Night