Missions & Outreach
To impact the parts of the world God has called us to with the life changing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Open door Loves our
Members of ODF Food Bank Team
Open Door Food Bank
Serving food to families in our community
Open the Second and Fourth Saturdays of every month.
Non perishable food donations and new volunteers are always welcome
Family Promise
Family Promise provides families with children who are experiencing homelessness with the tools and training to care for their kids, find employment and housing, and get back on their feet. ODF has joined many other churches around the valley to provide these families with an evening meal and a place to sleep for a week at a time.
GoTEN (Go To Every Nation) is a ministry that helps the Church meet the immediate needs of refugees while introducing them to Jesus)
For more information about this ministry and to explore the many ways YOU might get involved visit info@goten.org or call 424-888-4270
open door Loves our
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How lovely are the feet of those who bring Good News. Romans:10 :13,15b
Global Workers We Support:
• Mark K – Frontiers Ministries
Mark’s ministry is motivated by Romans 10:13-15. As the Church-Based Teams Associate Director for his organization, Mark works with American churches seeking to send long-term disciple-making teams to the least reached corners of the world, where people have not heard the message of Jesus.
Email: mark.k@emailoffice org
From the left: Caleb, Tracee, Rachel, Mark
• Missionaries doing medical care in S/E Asia
• Pastor Mladen Tomičić – Evangelical Church of Breza, Bosnia and Hercegovina
Mladen and his wife, Violeta, have been pastoring an evangelical church in the village of Breza, about a half hour outside Sarajevo, in Bosnia for nearly two decades. They have been trusted friends and ministry partners of Open Door Fellowship, hosting and assisting many of our short-term teams year after year. The two are both first-generation believers as well as survivors of the devastating civil war in Bosnia that was part of the breakup of former Yugoslavia.
Mladen and Violeta Tomićić with their son, Aron
• Pastor Simon Nziramakenga – Good Shepherd Community Church, Kigali, Rwanda
Pastor Simon and his wife, Kedress, were called from back to their home country of Rwanda from their full life in Nairobi Kenya, after the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. There they began Good Shepherd Community Church and primary school with a vision of meeting holistic the needs (spirit, mind and body) of their community. In 2015 Kedress passed away but Simon continues to lead their effort and mentors many other church leaders throughout the country.
Pastor Simon Nziramakenga
GLOBAL Partners
Family of God Christian Fellowship/Familia de Dios
— Puerto Penasco, Mexico
Family of God Serves both the expat and Mexican communities in Puerto Penasco. Since 2004, Pastor Tab Grey, along with his wife Ellen, has built a vibrant ministry that reaches out to much of the underserved population.
Ways to Be Involved:
Food – Dried Beans, Rice
Christmas Gifts – Annual gift collection for Special Needs Ministry and the Children of FOG
Short TermTrips
Nov. Medical Mission Trip – Both Medical and Non Medical persons needed.
April. Day of the Child – All ages invited! A great ministry opportunity for families.
The Evangelical Church of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prior to the war that accompanied the breakup of former Yugolavia, Bosnia and Hercegovina was religiously split between Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim faiths. During and then after the war, a fledgling evangelical church movement began as churches and small home fellowships were established throughout the country. ODF became involved with the Evangelical Church of Bosnia and Hercegovina just a year and a half after the war, in 1997. Over time, have ministered to and alongside several of those church congregations.
Good Shepherd Church and Primary School — Kigali, Rwanda
In partnership with a local church and school in Kigali, Rwanda, the ODW Child Sponsorship provides children with an education and the support they need to experience the love of Christ, as well as to grow into contributing members and leaders of their communities. Sponsorship provides for tuition; purchase school supplies; uniforms; and provides one meal per day.
We will update the list of children needing sponsorship regularly. One student currently, needs a sponsor. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a sponsor? Please contact Angie Warren at ednamaeknot@msn.com for more information.
COVID-19, has closed the school for now. Due to poverty, online school is not an option. Pray for all the children, teacher and administrators who are in need of food and income to sustain them during this season of uncertainty.
Ways to be involved:
We have ongoing need for sponsors. Sponsorship provides for fees, supplies, food and more—an incredible blessing to a child without resources.